Have you ever started reading a blog and realized that if you and the writer met you'd probably be instant friends?Well Ady is THAT blogger. Her blog title has the word Glitter in it, she loves hip-hop music, and her posts frequently feature sarcasm...win win win. Check her out !
When In Doubt Just Add Glitter... but I'm in the middle of a blog redesign! :)Where are you from? Atlanta, GaWhat's your favorite quote? Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead and leave a trail.What's your blog name?
Why did you start blogging? My friend Chelsea was a blogger and ended up creating me a blog to show me how awesome it was. I never thought I'd like blogging but I'm still going at it and I've really enjoyed it! Thanks Chelster for creating my bloggy blog!How'd you pick your blog name? Let's just say I'm a fan of Glitter!What's your favorite part of blogging? I love meeting and connecting with new people and having "blog friends". I also love keeping track of and sharing my life and getting it all out. It's a central place I can go for ME and I love that!Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts? Everyday life.... things that I think would inspire or help others in some way.Do you have any special weekly posts? I used to do a Throwback Thursday post weekly but that kind of died down. I'd love to start a "bitch it out" linkup once a month like Cosmo does if anyone is interested in joining in on that one msg me!Three fav blogs to read and why ? There are so many! I have 14 favorites I keep handy on my sidebar... girls that'd I'd be friends with in real life. You can find them on my sidebar! I like genuine honest funny blogs where I'm either learning something and/or taking something away from it. People that are "different". That's why I love them! I also only really love reading blogs where the blogger communicates with me and I really feel like we're "blog friends".
Why do you read fabulously faint? Well I just started so I'm excited to get to know Brittany! I already can't wait to read some of those recipes!
5 Random Facts about you:
1. Im a Taurus
2.I have the cutest puppy in the whole wide world
3.My real name isn't Ady it's Ashley Ann...long story
4.I love reading fashion blogs and shoes but a 3" heel is my max...so anyone out there knows of some good low heeled shoes holla atcha girl
For FabulouslyFaint's answers visit Ady's Blog and start following her while your at it !
I need to follow her!! Love it!!